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General Resources and Publications

COVID-19 Resources Specific to Long Term Care

Resources to Track COVID-19 Cases, Deaths and Guidance Specific to Long Term Care 11.11.20

This information was compiled by the MGS Research Committee in November. It provides go-to sources of information for practitioners and researchers.

Health Care Choices Guide

The annual statewide Health Care Choices guide for Minnesotans on Medicare, is now available. This guide is published by the Minnesota Board on Aging and provides free, comprehensive and objective information about options for Minnesota Medicare beneficiaries of all ages.

Call the Senior LinkAge Line® to request a free copy at 1-800-333-2433. It is also available online at MNAGING.ORG.

The latest edition of Health Care Choices for Minnesotans on Medicare includes the information you can use to help make important decisions about your health insurance coverage. This guide
is published and distributed on an annual basis and can provide you valuable information when Preparing for Medicare Enrollment or reviewing plan options during the Medicare Annual Open Enrollment Period.

Elder Abuse Prevention and Awareness:

Minnesota Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care is a program of the Minnesota Board on Aging. Regional ombudsmen and volunteers work to enhance the quality of life and services for people receiving long-term services and supports. The program also advocates for reform in long-term care through changes in state law, federal law and administrative policy.

For information and assistance, you can call:

Minnesota Elder Justice Center The mission of the Minnesota Elder Justice Center is to mobilize communities to prevent and alleviate abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation of elders and vulnerable adults.

Publications Available:

All publications are provided by Minnesota governmental or non-profit organizations. Inclusion does not mean endorsement by MGS.

  • A Key to Choice for Seniors
    This guide was created to help assess lifestyle needs and evaluate the many housing and service options available to seniors in Minnesota. If may also be a useful resource for service providers who work with seniors to evaluate needs and provide appropriate services or referrals.
  • Minnesota Advanced Health Care Directive and Honoring Choices Minnesota
    Information from the Minnesota Board on Aging about the Minnesota Advanced Care Directive, Honoring Choices, and Aging with Dignity’s Five Wishes.
  • Universal Home Design
    Room by room, this checklist shows how to make any home a better place for people of all ages and stages of life. Whether remodeling, building, buying, or renting these common sense features have immediate and future benefits.

Books related to Gerontology by MGS Members and Affiliates:

A Hands-on Approach to Teaching about Aging: 32 Activities for the Classroom and Beyond

Editors: Hallie Baker PhD; Tina M. Kruger PhD;
Rona J. Karasik PhD, Professor and Director, Gerontology Program, St. Cloud State University

This peer-reviewed collection of hands-on activities is designed by noted educators in aging and incorporates Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) competencies. It offers clear, step-by-step procedures for implementing each activity, including preparation, introduction, the activity itself, discussion/reflection, wrap-up or follow-up if appropriate, and assessment. The book also addresses learning outcomes and includes recommendations for number of participants, settings, materials, and time required.

Key Features:

  • Contains 32 experiential learning activities for students in a great variety of aging-related disciplines
  • Designed for activities in the classroom, in the community, online, and take-home
  • Provides clear, step-by-step procedures for each activity from implementation through assessment

Resource Submission

MGS only accepts and publishes resources from Minnesota non-profits, state and federal governmental divisions, and national non-profit associations related to aging. We do not post private or for-profit organization or individual submissions. If you would like to submit a resource for review, please email us at info@mngero.org

Minnesota Gerontological Society (MGS) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 3050 145th St. W #377 Rosemount, MN 55068

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email us at info@mngero.org

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